Application for

About the product
The equipment differs in the type of mixing, heat exchange conditions, method of heat supply and heat removal, composition of the reaction mixture, and other characteristics. A properly selected and high—quality reactor is a necessary condition for the efficiency of the technological process.
The reactor is designed for carrying out various technological processes in liquid media with a dynamic viscosity of no more than 7 Pa and a density of no more than 2000 kg/m3.
- Ambient temperature: -20 to +200 °C.
- Reactor pressure: excessive up to 0.7 MPa (6 kgf/cm2);
- residual — vacuum, not lower than 2.7 kPa (20 mmHg);
- without pressure — filling.
Working medium in the reactor: neutral, aggressive, flammable, explosive or toxic liquid, emulsion, gas-liquid mixture, or suspension with a mass fraction of the solid phase not exceeding 30%.