We manufacture non-standard equipment according to the following: design documentation, technical projects, assignments, drawings, sketches, samples
SPECIALIZED CONTAINERS DESIGNED TO PERFORM THE APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGICAL OPERATIONSWe manufacture industrial baths of all linear sizes and shapes. The modern production equipment of our company allows us to produce baths of a wide range.More detailsINDUSTRIAL FITTINGS
DEVICES FOR MONITORING AND REGULATING THE FLOW OF THE MEDIUMModern production equipment allows for the precise and efficient manufacture of fittings. The company specializes in various types of valves, such as gate valves, shut-off devices, valves and others. The flexibility of production allows us to implement both large series and individual orders.More detailsVACUUM TRAPS
DEVICES FOR PREVENTING THE PENETRATION OF VAPORS OF WORKING FLUIDS OF VACUUM PUMPS INTO THE PUMPED VOLUMEThe vacuum trap prevents the direct flow of working fluid vapors from the pump into the pumped volume and lowers the maximum pressure reached. We manufacture high-quality equipment according to individual customer requirements.More detailsSPIRAL CLASSIFIERS, INDUSTRIAL
INDUSTRIAL INSTALLATIONS FOR THE SEPARATION OF FINELY GROUND MATERIAL BY SIZE IN AN AQUEOUS ENVIRONMENT DURING THE PROCESSING OF MINERALSThe selection of a spiral classifier is an extremely important step that takes into account many factors, starting from the characteristics of the initial product, its granularity, and production needs arising from the task. Our specialists will always help you form the necessary technical specifications and select the necessary equipment to solve the production task as efficiently as possible.More details